
Padstow – a beautiful, ancient harbour town in Cornwall

Looking For Property In Padstow?

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Current property prices in Padstow
Check out the most recent average property prices for Padstow. You can also get an idea of how property prices in Padstow are changing over time, and you can compare prices with nearby areas
Padstow in league division 1
In a survey by the Halifax (August 2004), property prices in Padstow were found to have seen the largest rise in the country – the average price having gone up 144% to £270.000 over the previous three years! This continues a trend identified in a 2002 report by the Move Channel
A new way to predict property prices
How can you spot a town with a healthy housing market? Check out its restaurants, advises Graham Norwood
Jackie Stanley Associates
Jackie Stanley Associates have offices in Padstow and Rock. Their tidy, no-nonsense web site links to the “PropertyLive” database
Quick portal to four Padstow estate agents
This site allows you to send an enquiry to multiple estate agents simultaneously. The ones targeted are Jackie Stanley, Cole Rayment & White, Donald I Weekes, and Bradford & Bingley (Stratton Creber)
This site offers a search form that queries data from three Padstow estate agents. The site requires you to enter your contact details (including email address) prior to allowing a search and the small print warns quite clearly “You may be contacted with regard to your mortgage requirements or other services associated with purchasing a home”